
ちょっと困ったこと(A small issue)


こんにちは。 おはよう農園の恒川京士(ツネカワ アツシ)です。







Thank you for accessing ohayo-farm blog and I'm Atsushi Tsunekawa.

Three(3) days have been passed since new life started and we greeted a neighbor who is next to us with small gift and they were elderly couples who have grandchildren who are the same generation as our daughter.  She provided citron and chocolate snacks in return. We also took out the garbage and are adapting ourselves to this area.

However, all things are not perfect like life, that is, our washing machine had not been able to be placed on because there weren't any attachments for it that we saw it 2 months ago when we visited this house at first.  PIC for the setting said that only equipment companies have it. There were no problem for us a day before yesterday and yesterday but there were many clothes today, so I went to laundry at 5 am when it just opened.  We had thought that it was thrown out when ex-resident's washing machine was removed.  (However, estate management company and owner have not know anything at all even if we showed some photos.)

Again, we ask estate management company to prepare it.   Two guys suddenly came to our home when we had eaten supper. they said that estate management company ask them to check, so we thought that they are PIC at an equipment company and explained the same with showing photos however one of them said to be able to set up temporary in five(5) minutes.  We also could confirm that water flow to drain without leaking.

Another guy said " We don't complain anything if water leak occurs and overflow is happened and contact directly if any"  We don't understand why he can say it from the beginnig.......We recognized that he was owner when we asked, so he was complaining that it should be estate management company matter and we agreed.

They promised come here to fix it for another day.  I will also face something beyond my expectations many times during training and it is natural thing not only previous work but farming.(I had such an experience many times.)

 I wish to have a good morning, saying "good morning" tomorrow well ! ! !





↑10月10日の内覧時(壁から排水口までの距離を測るために写真を撮る) There were attachment on Oct 10 when we checked the length from wall to drain.






↑12月1日の入居時の状態   There were nothing when we came on Dec 1.





↑12月3日に大家さん方が取り付けてくださる。 One guys set up temporary on Dec 3.
