
ただいま主夫(I'm househusband temporary)


こんにちは。 おはよう農園の恒川京士(ツネカワ アツシ)です。






Hello all, I'm Atsushi Tsunekawa at Ohayo farm.

I dedicate myself to househusband this month because I'm in paid holiday this month.  Time flashed by when I finished washing, house keeping, shopping and cooking, etc, so I take off my hat to my wife.  Today, she has requested to eat potato salad, so I cooked three dishes included in it.  Dishes photos are not good to see, so sorry.

Our concept is that seasoning simply and eating with feeling material taste.  So seasonings are  soy sauce, sweet sake for seasoning, sake, salt and pepper basically when we cook.  We are choosing good quality ones, so taste has a nice finish.  We also have rapeseed oil, sesame oil, olive oil and handmade miso as others.  It is possible to cover almost dishes when do.

We would like to deliver our vegetables to your kitchen/dining and it will become a source of energy for all of you.  I would like to do my utmost on my training from Jan.

 I wish to have a good morning, saying "good morning" tomorrow well ! ! !


1; ポテトサラダ(ジャガイモ; きたあかり、人参、キュウリに塩・胡椒とマヨネーズであえる) 

Potato salad(Potato, carrot and cucumber with salt, pepper and mayonnaise) 






2; アジの蒲焼(醤油・味醂・酒で味付けし、片栗粉でとろみをつける) ※近所の魚屋さんで20匹弱入って500円でした。

Grilled horse mackerel (seasoned with soy sauce, sweet sake for seasoning and sake, and thicken it with starch)   I bought about twenty fish by 500 yen(very reasonable)






3; 鶏むね肉・舞茸・油揚げの炒め物(これも醤油・味醂・酒で味付け)

Fried chicken with mushroom and deep-fried bean curd( seasoned with soy sauce, sweet sake for seasoning and sake, too)





